artrio 2013

Aug 2013

The Arquitetos Associados office will be present on September 6th at ArtRio, with a lecture by architect Alexandre Brasil on the contemporary art spaces designed at Inhotim: the Cosmococa, Miguel Rio Branco, and Doris Salcedo galleries. ArtRio is the main project of BEX, a cultural producer specializing in visual arts, founded in 2009 by Brenda Valansi and Elisangela Valadares. Its main objective is to promote the production, dissemination, and distribution of Brazilian art in Brazil and abroad, organizing fairs, producing publications, and bringing international collectors, critics, and curators to the country. In 2011, entrepreneurs Alexandre Accioly and Luiz Calainho joined the company, bringing new ideas and projects.

For more information, please visit the website: