latitudes v congress in são paulo

May 2013
The Arquitetos Associados will participate in the LATITVDES congress, which will take place on June 13th and 14th at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP). Created by the Center for American Architecture and Design at the University of Texas at Austin in 2009, LATITVDES aims to explore the question of whether there is – at the moment, still emerging or if there will ever be – an “American” modern architecture, one that transcends the division between North/Central/South America and whether it is possible to distinguish it from European, Asian, and other models.
See also

asbea talk – arquitetos associados

neun neue | nove novos – nova arquitetura brasileira

interni magazine: claudia andujar gallery

Arquitetos Associados are featured in the issue 49 of the Italian magazine The Plan

arquitetos associados participate in the Forum for Young Latin American Architects